“I was a competitive female body builder for years. I had gone through a number of personal, financial and family hardships and found that I had let go and lost my love and drive for competition. I let myself go. Finally I had enough and decided to get back in shape and prepare for an upcoming competition. I went to the gym every day but it was different. I hated it. I couldn’t get in the groove. I would get frustrated and I would dread cardio. I resisted my diet restrictions and I would let myself quit when I tried to train, although I yearned to get back to being myself. I had a goal in mind to get down to a specific body weight to compete. I was searching for the answer and then I came across Corrin’s Facebook page. I called her and after just two sessions here is what I gained: Total focus on my goals, total elimination of dread and it was like I couldn’t get enough cardio. My love and passion for body building was back in full swing. I noticed instantly that I now have very high energy that never seems to run out. I completely found everything I needed. I absolutely recommend working with Corrin as soon as possible to any serious athlete. The change is instant.”
M. Disbrow